Homeopathy Treatment for Piles

The bleeding of piles can be well controlled with many other treatments in 24 hours. The pain and other symptoms can also be treated as well. Then why patients swear by homeopathy treatment for piles.
In comparison to conventional medical treatment, homeopathy aims to convey a long term cure to piles while attempting to find the underlying cause for the disease. In conventional method surgery or a pain reliever is the major choice of ailment whereas the surgery is supposed only to removal the inflamed portion particularly in 4th grade of hemorrhoid. However removal of that part at any stage isn’t the solution of cure however, it’s simply the managerial process of current status. 

Start your Treatment

Homeopathy not solely manages the symptom, it offers a long term cure to the disease. Besides the treatment it’s extremely needed to maintain a proper lifestyle and food habits that are primarily responsible for the development of piles. Majority of people in this corporate world start changing their normal lifestyle while ignoring serious health signals from time to time. There is no punctuality in their food habits, sleeping and working time. Additionally lack of physical exercise and increase in mental stress add the fuels to diseases like indigestion, acidity and constipation, which finally results to piles.
Homeopathy can cure a disease completely while diminishing any further chances of future reappearance. It relieves the pain and symptoms just after a few days of causative treatment. It not only cure piles permanently but also improves the digestive system apart from the fact that it is most safe, zero side effect and100% natural drug. Before you book a surgery or take a pain killer or find some other shortcuts, learn which of these have kept the promise in preventing or reducing the cause. But here with homeopathy, we give the promise to cure and recommend you to go to a doctor’s clinic to deal with the root causes of health issues.

Piles: Overview

The bleeding of piles can be well controlled with many other treatments in 24 hours. The pain and other symptoms can also be treated as well. Then why patients swear by homeopathy treatment for piles.
In comparison to conventional medical treatment, homeopathy aims to convey a long term cure to piles while attempting to find the underlying cause for the disease. In conventional method surgery or a pain reliever is the major choice of ailment whereas the surgery is supposed only to removal the inflamed portion particularly in 4th grade of hemorrhoid. However removal of that part at any stage isn’t the solution of cure however, it’s simply the managerial process of current status. 

Homeopathy not solely manages the symptom, it offers a long term cure to the disease. Besides the treatment it’s extremely needed to maintain a proper lifestyle and food habits that are primarily responsible for the development of piles. Majority of people in this corporate world start changing their normal lifestyle while ignoring serious health signals from time to time. There is no punctuality in their food habits, sleeping and working time. Additionally lack of physical exercise and increase in mental stress add the fuels to diseases like indigestion, acidity and constipation, which finally results to piles.
Homeopathy can cure a disease completely while diminishing any further chances of future reappearance. It relieves the pain and symptoms just after a few days of causative treatment. It not only cure piles permanently but also improves the digestive system apart from the fact that it is most safe, zero side effect and100% natural drug. Before you book a surgery or take a pain killer or find some other shortcuts, learn which of these have kept the promise in preventing or reducing the cause. But here with homeopathy, we give the promise to cure and recommend you to go to a doctor’s clinic to deal with the root causes of health issues.


Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids normally depend upon the types of hemorrhoid. Piles are of various kinds, ordered by their complications and discomfort. External piles, Internal piles, Thrombosed/Prolapsed piles and Blind piles are the most widely recognized sorts

External hemorrhoids

External piles mostly occur on the skin around the anus and can be seen or felt by the patient. The primary side effects of external piles incorporate symptoms like:
• Tingling sensation or irritation in anus
• Anal pain or irritation (This Can also be a Symptom of Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s Disease)
• Swelling around anus
• Bleeding (This Can also be a Symptom of Ulcerative Colitis or Colorectal Cancer)

Internal hemorrhoids

Usually these type of hemorrhoids can’t be seen or felt, and they hardly show any signs. Internal piles lie somewhere inside the rectum and can’t be felt or seen. Yet, stressing or irritation during bowel movement may trigger signs, like:
• Rectal bleeding or you may see blood dripping into the toilet or strain tissue. (This Can also be a Symptom of Ulcerative Colitis or Colorectal Cancer)
• A hemorrhoid to push through the lining of the anal results in distress.

Thrombosed hemorrhoids

This is another type of painful swelling in the anal region that is filled with blood clots. This may occur in accordance with constipation when hemorrhoids get pushed out towards the anus because of strain is applied to pass stools. They look like pink, clammy stack of skin. This type of hemorrhoids will generally hurt since the anus region is thick with swollen delicate nerves. It results in:

  • Extreme pain (This Can also be a Symptom of Ulcerative Colitis or Chron’s Disease)
  • Swelling
  • A hard bump close around the anal canal

Causes and Risk Factors of Piles

Usually the swollen veins in piles are because of expanded mass in the rectum. This expanded mass may break down the blood tissues around anus under any strain, prompting hemorrhoids. Different variables adding to hemorrhoids include:

  • Blockage or straining during bowel movement
  • Prolonged sitting on the toilet
  • Having constipation or diarrhea
  • Obesity
  • Pregnant
  • Having anal intercourse
  • Eating a low-fiber diet
  • Excessive hard work
  • Hazard factors

Source: Link

Preventive care/ Home care

The most ideal approach to prevent hemorrhoids or reduce its intensity is to keep stools delicate, so they pass easily. The piles is a disease of life style and unhealthy food habits. You can mostly calm the pain, swelling and irritation of hemorrhoids with the following tips:

Eat high-fiber foods: Eat more natural products, like fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Doing so delicate the stool and increases its mass, which will assist you to avoid straining that can cause hemorrhoids.
Drink a lot of fluids: Drink two-three liters of water and different fluids (avoid alcohol) every day to keep stools soft.
Take fiber supplements: Majority of people don’t get enough of the prescribed amount of fiber — 20 to 30 grams per day — in their eating routine. Studies have demonstrated that over-the-counter fiber supplements improve overall health and bleeding from hemorrhoids.
Hydrate yourself well: If you take fiber supplements, make sure to drink three liters of water or other fluids consistently. Otherwise, the supplement can cause other problems or worsen hemorrhoid.
Try not to strain: Giving pressure and holding your breath during bowel movement creates more pressure in blood tissues in the lower rectum. If needed massage any essential oil regularly to soothe the anal region.
Don’t try hard to avoid going to toilet when you feel the urge: If you hold the urge to pass bowel movement for a long time, the desire might go away but your stool usually dries out and get harder to pass.

Exercise regularly: Stay active to prevent and to reduce pressure on veins, which can happen with prolonged standing or sitting habits. Pelvic floor exercise can likewise assist you with long term solutions for hemorrhoid while helping you to develop anal sphincter control.
Stay away from prolonged standing of sitting: Sitting excessively long, especially on the toilet or standing at a stretch, can strain the veins in the anus.
Take a hot bath. Soak your anal region with plain warm water for 10 to 15 minutes a few times each day if you are experiencing hemorrhoid at an early stage

Diagnosis of Piles

In treatment of piles it is most important to correct the causative ailments that is responsible for developing piles. Besides that the treating of symptoms with gentle way can cures the piles permanently. The disease may seems worrying, however there’s one way to tackle them all: homoeopathy. Homoeopath studies the story of a patient very well to seek out the root cause of the problem. Although homeopath doctors might not order tests often, but they may ask that patients already have a diagnosis report. Once evaluation is done, there after they prescribe a suitable minimum-dosage medication.
Don’t fall for this common misconception that rectal bleeding happens only because of hemorrhoids, especially when you observe changes in bowel habits or there is a change in color of your stool or its consistency. Rectal bleeding can happen because of other diseases also, including Ulcerative Colitis or Colorectal Cancer.
Seek emergency help if you experience bleeding along with dizziness. Request an Appointment at Dr. Samit Ghosh’s Homeopathy Clinic.

  • Our alternative way of treatment has no side effects.
  • Homeopathy is recommended for all age groups.
  • Significantly reduces the chance of flare up or the disease coming back.
  • Case studies demonstrate a better long-term diagnosis history.

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